Tag: cherry tomatoes

Roasted Summer Veg with Cheesy Polenta and Garlicky Beans

Roasted Summer Veg with Cheesy Polenta and Garlicky Beans

This is an especially flavorful dish that’s perfect for the end of summer when the evenings are beginning to cool but you’re still swimming in summer produce. At first glance it may seem that there are a lot of components. However the timing for all of them flows really well, so as soon as you finish one, you move on to the next, and they all end up being ready within the same window. The polenta will need to be stirred periodically throughout the prep time, but otherwise each task is pretty self contained.

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Whole Wheat Cherry Tomato Galette with Caramelized Onions

Whole Wheat Cherry Tomato Galette with Caramelized Onions

The whole wheat pastry dough helps balance out the rich flavors of the caramelized onions and sweet cherry tomatoes. This is best served right away while the dough is still crisp and flaky. If you need to make caramelized onions, make sure you do those ahead of time so they are able to cool before going in the galette.

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Cherry Tomato and Corn Pizza

Cherry Tomato and Corn Pizza

This pizza brings together two summer staples in a delicious, herby, and cheesy affair. We tend to be a no-sauce kind of pizza people and rely instead on cheese as the foundational layer. If you don’t like goat cheese, feta would also be great here.

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Summer Spinach Salad with Hummus

Summer Spinach Salad with Hummus

This salad is a great way to use up some of that summer garden produce. I used lemon cucumbers because that’s what I had from my garden, but any cucumber variety will work nicely. Spinach bunches can vary quite a bit in size, so make adjustments if what you have seems like too much or not enough.

You can use store-bought hummus, but if you have time to make your own, it’s worth the extra effort. This salad is especially good with warm hummus spooned over the top. The hummus acts as a type of dressing and helps the salad feel more substantial.

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Cherry Tomato and Pluot Farro Salad

Cherry Tomato and Pluot Farro Salad

Any pluot (a cross between a plum and an apricot) or plum will work well in this salad. Make sure that your fruit is nice and ripe – let it sit out for a day or two if you need to. The flesh should be tender but not squishy. The cherry tomatoes should also be fragrant and ripe. Store-bought cherry tomatoes will work, but if you can find a friend with a garden, all the better.

I like the addition of marjoram here, it has an anise-like quality to it that backs up the fennel nicely. However if that’s not a favorite flavor of yours, use less or leave it out all-together.

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Cheesy Bruschetta Toasts

Cheesy Bruschetta Toasts

These are a delicious appetizer and if you’re not careful (speaking from direct experience here) can quickly turn into a whole meal on its own. Fresh, fragrant tomatoes are important – use the nicest ones you can get your hands on. These are best washed down with a glass of red wine.

For a more traditional bruschetta, leave off the cheese. However like most things, these are better with cheese.

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