Tag: dark chocolate

Backpacking Whole Grain Pancakes

Backpacking Whole Grain Pancakes

A note about Bramble & Spice Backpacking Recipes: These recipes are intended for one or two night backpacking trips. I like eating real food when I’m hiking and I’m always willing to carry a little extra weight in order to eat well. Everything really does taste better in the mountains.

I love these pancakes because they’re easy to eat on the go. We’re usually not too hungry first thing in the morning, so I love having breakfasts that I can eat on the trail once I start feeling hungry. These are hearty and very filling, especially with the nut butter on top. If a warm breakfast is important, you can reheat these in your pan.

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Chocolate Cream Pie

Chocolate Cream Pie

The dark chocolate filling in this pie is smooth and delicious. The unsweetened chocolate adds a note of complexity and the whipped cream on top rounds out the bite. This pie looks beautiful with zero decorating ability required. The whipped cream is spread out evenly on top of the filling and sprinkled with chocolate shavings. In addition to making the pie look delicious, the chocolate on top adds just the right amount of texture.

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Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies were a favorite of mine growing up and I can’t say that the love has lessened as I’ve grown older. I love this recipe because it makes so many cookies. I always scoop and then freeze them, so that I’m baking the cookies from frozen. This way I only bake off as many as I want to have around. It helps prevent a dozen or so cookies from disappearing within a couple days. They’re also great to have on hand for dinner guests – everyone loves a warm-from-the-oven cookie! Feel free to halve the recipe for a more traditionally sized recipe.

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